my story
Healthy living, wealthy living

My name is Marii Oblescuk. I’ve owned a Day Spa in Darwin since 2007, and since 2017 , I’ve also worked as a doTERRA wellness advocate, helping people all across Australia live happy and healthy lives. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I focus on self-care coaching, mindful eating, and the incredible power of doTERRA essential oils. I hope that, through sharing my personal experience with self-care, I can help you live your best life.

I was a busy mum, and an even busier business owner. Thanks to the flat-out, always-on-the-go lifestyle I was maintaining, I was finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed, let alone cook, exercise, or run a spa business.
I felt unmotivated, like I was running on a treadmill, not going anywhere.
This lack of motivation had started to impact my mental health; I was serious all the time, barely smiling, and I found myself becoming increasingly anxious over things I had previously brushed-off easily. Eventually, this led to more intense emotional repercussions, a lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, and negative impact on my personal and professional relationships.
At the time, I didn’t have the words I needed to describe what was happening to me. I was too busy to find resources that would have helped me figure out what was going on, and too unaware of the ways that a lack of self-care can impact a person. Rather, the steps I took to address these issues took me down the old, well-trodden path of completing medical check-up after medical check-up. My doctors tried their best, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with my physical health. They, too, lacked the words to discuss the wellness and self-care advice that I needed to hear.
I know now that what I was feeling was burnout.

Before becoming involved in the world of wellness, I had no understanding of how to assess and improve my own emotional health and mental wellbeing. Before working with doTERRA, despite working in a Day Spa, my concept of self-care was limited to getting a massage once a month from my staff, or going on holiday once a year. I’ve found that the overwhelming majority of my spa clients had the same misconception of self-care, too; they didn’t have the time, money, or knowhow to practice self-care on a regular basis, which impacted their health, as well as their careers and their relationships. Like many people out there, they thought this was just part of the ageing process and they just had to accept the decline in their physical and mental state as normal.
doTERRA, first and foremost, introduced me to the concept of holistic wellness and proactive medical care.
doTERRA offered me both knowledge of health and wellness, and information about the healing and therapeutic benefits of essential oils to improve my own health and quality of life.

When I started using the doTERRA Smart and Sassy essential oil blend, which contains peppermint, ginger, lemon, cinnamon, and grapefruit, I felt energised, cleansed, and ready to tackle whatever life threw at me. Now I wake up in the morning clear headed after a restful nights sleep, wanting to tackle new and exciting challenges at work and at home.
I also found that using doTERRA essential oils and supplements helped both myself and my family improve our quality of life. My husband, who suffered from Ross River Fever in the past, found that doTERRA helped him combat his weakened immune system, his broken sleep, and his bone-deep aches and pains. Rather than fighting constant sickness and stiffness, and being constantly stressed trying to keep up with work and his health, my husband now sleeps through the night, feels rested and energized every day, and spends his energy being a better businessman, a better husband, and better father.
Even our son has commented on how much more playful and fun my husband has become!
By using the oils, I could see the physical, emotional, and mental transformation in myself, my family, my customers, and my staff.
The profound impact that doTERRA oils had on myself and the people around me compelled me to find ways to share this power with others. I studied at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York USA to become a holistic Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. In particular, I focused my studies on self-care, essential oils, and diet. I learned so much about how our diet, daily habits, and emotions can affect not only physical health and emotional wellbeing but also the health of our skin.

Now, at my health and wellness spa in Darwin, we make a point to educate all of our customers about the necessity of self-care, and the power of doTERRA essential oils and supplements to improve their skin and wellbeing. If they decide to take the next step on their wellness journey with us, they receive ongoing education and support from us as a part of our doTERRA wholesale membership community.
If you’re interested in taking the next steps in your wellness and self-care journey, please reach out. I’m always happy to chat with people to help them figure out how they can develop healthy eating and sleeping habits, using wellness techniques, to improve their lives. Start living your best life, today!
Marii Oblescuk